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Clip-art inspired (?) prose
Published on February 14, 2004 By fugmulch In Misc

Vrrrooooommmm, mimics Johny as he butts his toy car into the wall. A shower of small white chips cascade to the floor. Ever curious hands pick up a chip and begin the investigation. “Smells O.K., not like Dad after coming home from work. Looks like those things he eats with his beer when he watches TV” thinks Johnny. A tentative taste yields no hard evidence. More data is required as Johny deposits a large chip into his mouth and begins chewing. “Not bad!”

Mom slides into the room and gives Johny an approving glance for playing so quietly. Pleased, Johny raises a rather large chip into the air and displays it for his Mom before popping it into his mouth.

“NO! Not the lead paint!” Screams Mom.

Surprised by Mom's sudden and unexpected anger, Johny breaths deep preparing to cry. The paint chip glides effortlessly down his throat and lodges somewhere in his windpipe. Johny begins to writhe uncontrollably as the chip grates unbearably in his thorax.

Mom panics and rushes to her suffering child. Two arms wrap around the boy preparing to administer the Heimlich Maneuver, something she had only seen done on TV. Mom, last years winner of the Canoga Park Women's Weight Lifting Competition, pulls tight. She is greeted by the cracking of ribs and a short gurgled cry from Johny. Johny twitches once as blood trickles from the corner of his mouth.

“I've killed my child!” Screams Mom as she throws open the screen door to the balcony. “I've killed my child!” She repeats as she launches herself from the twenty second floor.

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